Free smartphone wallpapers for iPhone & Android

Top-liked Smartphone Wallpapers

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Wall2mob is your best source of beautiful smartphone wallpapers. You can easily select your device wallpaper size to show only wallpapers compatible to your Android smartphone or iPhone. Make your cell phone /mobile phones look professional with amazing plain backgrounds.

Did you know that you can also write your own text or name on every wallpaper on Wall2mob? You can also upload your own photos to write text on them using our free service.

Your smartphone is automatically detected by our system and only those wallpapers would be shown that are compatible to it. You also have the option to select/switch the wallpaper size yourself as you like.

Wallpapers for smartphones by screen size

2160x1920, 2048x1536, 1920x1080, 1600x900, 1600x1280, 1536x1280, 1440x1280, 1440x1440, 1366x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1200x1024, 1125x2436, 1080x960, 1080x1920, 1080x2160, 1080x2220, 1080x2256, 1080x2280, 1080x2312, 1080x2340, 1080x2400, 960x800, 960x854, 828x1792, 800x1280, 768x1024, 768x1280, 750x1334, 720x720, 720x1280, 720x1440, 720x1480, 720x1520, 720x1544, 720x1560, 640x480, 640x960, 640x1136, 600x800, 600x1024, 540x960, 480x272, 480x320, 480x360, 480x640, 480x800, 480x854, 400x800, 360x400, 360x480, 360x640, 352x416, 320x240, 320x400, 320x480, 240x320, 240x400, 176x208, 176x220, 144x176, 128x160, 128x220
Wallpapers for other devices
Gionee A1, Gionee A1 Plus, Gionee M6s Plus, Gionee S10B, Gionee S10, Gionee M7, Gionee M7 Plus, Gionee S11, Gionee S11S, Gigabyte GSmart Guru, Gigabyte GSmart GX2, Gigabyte GSmart Guru GX, Energizer Power Max P600S, Energizer Hardcase H550S, Coolpad Max, Coolpad Note 3 Plus, Coolpad Note 5, Coolpad Cool S1, Coolpad Cool1 dual, Coolpad Cool M7,
How to take screenshot on Gionee S9
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